
GroupWare allows a group of people to share the following data:

  • Calendar information
  • Contact information
  • Mail information

In conjunction with GroupWare, the ability to define group accounts provides a powerful collaboration process. A group account contains a list of member accounts, which can be user list, mailing list or even other group accounts.

Groups can be given access to any shared folders defined on the system.

Individual users can share their calendar and contact information with groups, as well as individual users.

Emails can be sent to group accounts, which will be routed to all group members.

This functionality gives the ability to, for example, create a group for a corporate department and define a common data store (shared folder), common address book, and common calendar. Any data changes in this common store are immediately available to all users with access to this store.

Combining this powerful functionality with the fact that GroupWare is accessible through IceWarp WebClient means that users will never be out of touch or have out-dated information.

IceWarp Server also provides a plug-in for MS Outlook, the IceWarp Outlook Sync that allows offline GroupWare functionality directly from MS Outlook itself.

Simple administration keeps the maintenance of group accounts at a minimum.

Note: Do not forget that templates can be set up to streamline the definition of groups, see Templates.